Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hey! Do you remember...?!?!

Yesterday, while out running errands, the kiddos and I passed an Army truck waiting to get towed by another Army truck (insert budget jokes here). The kiddos were so excited to see "real Army guys!" and were bantering back and forth about what they might be doing out this way. We talked about how there's a National Guard Armory, a Navy Base and other military things around here, so it's not uncommon for Army guys to be out and about, this was just the first the kiddos were seeing them. Then there was a silent pause and quietly Thing 1 said "I miss Army." Silent pause. "I miss Army too" from Thing 2. Followed by another silent pause.

Then the reminiscing began:
Thing 1: "Hey! Do you remember that house we had where we could throw our clothes over the wall and my pants got stuck in the fan?!?!"
    That would be Fort Bliss. Thankfully, a neighbor had a ladder that could reach the second story  
    fan and rescued the jeans. 
Thing 2: "Do you remember jumping in the snow?!?!?"
    That would be Fort Campbell and jumping on the trampoline EVERY time it snowed. 
Thing 1: "Do you remember when I got to ride my bike to school and mommy pushed you in the stroller?"
    That would be Fort Benning, we lived within walking distance of the school and did that whole 
    herd walking thing to school every morning/afternoon.
Thing 2: "Do you remember the park with the super tall slide that Sam wanted to go down?"
    That would be Fort Irwin and the Crackerjack Flat's community park.
Thing 1: "I wonder where we'd live now if Daddy had stayed in the Army. Mommy, where do you suppose we'd live?"
I thought for a minute then replied that I honestly didn't have a clue where Army would have us living and then, just like that, the reminiscing was over.

And my heart hurt a little because, sometimes, I miss Army too.

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