Monday, September 6, 2010

My Deep Dark Secret...

Sometimes I'm glad Army Guy isn't here.


Yes, I just vocalized that I'm glad my husband isn't at home. Now, pick up your jaws and let me clarify--I'm NOT glad he's gone. I'm NOT glad he's gone for a year at a time. I'm NOT glad that he's THOUSANDS of miles away. I'm REALLY NOT glad he's in a flippin war zone. But, tonight as I did my "YES! I got everything to fit in the dishwasher!!!!" dance, it was really nice to not have to explain WHY that warrants such an extravagant display of happiness. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have to explain it, but sometimes it's just nice to not have to do it.

I also find that I'm WAY more productive when he's not home. Like insanely productive. Last deployment, I helped my dad build my kids' beds, made several 9 hour road trips, flew half way across the US while my kiddos stayed with friends (who I'm still indebted to), volunteered with several organizations, PWOC'd every Wed, and shopped till I dropped (yah, still indebted for that too....). The last two years that he's been home, I've been doing a swell job of holding the couch down. Now part of that time I was gestating so that counts for something right?!?!? Anywho, now that he's gone, I'm back to being productive.

My house is cleaner. Ask any Army Wife and she'll tell you her house is always cleaner when husband isn't home. Even though more often then not he's only in the house from the hours of 10pm-4am, he can still make a mess larger then the 24 hour habitants. Well, okay so NO one can make a mess like Thing 2, but Army Guy comes dang close some days. My chores are usually done within the first hour of waking and during the hour of bedtime. With. Time. To. Spare. I don't know how he messes with my ability to do laundry and dishes, but he does. It might be a volume thing.

I can put something down in a random spot and 3 days later it'll still be there (barring any help from Thing 2). It's amazing the random places I will put stuff and it's amazing that I can always remember where I put it, so it's even MORE amazing that it's still there 3 days (or you know, 2 weeks) later.

Running errands takes a significant less amount of time. There's no need to do an Op-Order (I can't remember specific acronym...failing Army Wife 101) to figure out where all we both need to go, what all we both need to get done, and the quickest way to attack both issues. There's no justifying why I need to go ALL the way to the Pretty Walmart. I just go. It's great.

We can travel. For more then an hour. God bless Army Guy, but for someone who "travels" for a living, he HATES being in the car for more than an hour. HATES it. So the kids and I take advantage of his away time and we travel....anywhere.

Now, all this said, I'd gladly trade all of this "great" things for him being home....the couch misses me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your blog very much Greta. Thanks for sharing! I'm not an army wife, but my hubby is away this week on a snowboarding trip with his guy friends and I can so relate! There's so much more you can get done when things stay where you put them -and the happy dance in the clean kitchen? Totally. :)