Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Change is a constant pain in my....

I know all too well that change is a constant and I enjoy change immensely. What I don't enjoy is knowing that I have change coming, but not knowing an arrival window for said change. It makes me feel like I'm just floating around, not able to start any tasks because I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete them. It makes me feel all out of whack with the world. It also makes me get all caught up on my DVR because well there's no point in doing anything else but sitting around watching tv...

Army Guy is currently in flux with his assignment. He wants to do this really cool (for him) program that would involve school this summer, probable waving of dwell time (for those of you non-army--after deployment you have 12 months time "at home" in the states), deployment back to the sandbox for 6-12 months, then back to states for more school, then home for 2 years. He called Branch while he was home on R&R a month ago and Branch acted like it was a done deal and we'd have orders in 2-3 weeks. That was 1 week ago. Still no word. But during those 4 weeks, we've been ALL over the place with what we should do if this program works out. Sooooo many options: sell house now while DIV is home (and have to pay realtor fees out of our pocket), move to TX closer to my family but away from Army services, move to Ft. Riley closer to Army family and Army services, or stay put in Backwoodsredneckhellhole so that the kiddos have some stability even though most of our support system here will move before Army Guy gets back off of program's deployment. Then it became a if we move, when question. Do we move when house sells, before house sells, or after first school on the hopes that Army Guy might get to stay in states until his dwell time is over? Then it became what do we need to do to sell house: paint, hard wood floors, or nothing and when do we list house for sale:when he gets home, after he leaves for language school or before he comes in off deployment? Add onto all of this, we've been dealing with crap from his current unit, kiddos going 3 weeks without a normal routine because of R&R and snow days, and life in general. 

We stressed all of this for 3 weeks before I just decided to take one for the team. We decided if he gets into the program, kiddos and I will just stay put in Backwoodsredneckhellhole land. There were way too many variables as far as moving away and the out of pocket money to sell the house was just the final straw. It's not my first choice, but it's the best for the kiddos, so I'm gonna get over it and it was a ton less stress trying to figure out moves over the next 2 years. So, I got started on my list of stuff I wanted to do to house to make it livable for the next 2 years. Because evidently, I've just been tolerating it up to this point??? Anywho, so I have this list of random things: deck, better organization, planters, etc. that I want to do. No biggie. Everything warm fuzzy...I have a plan of attack, we have a vague timeline. It's all good. Right......

Enter crap from current unit. 

Lovely. So now we don't know if Army Guy will be able to do this program that he really wants to do. Branch was supposed to get back to him last week with orders, but Army Guy didn't hear anything. After 3 emails sent and no replies, Army Guy called from the sandbox and got a "oh hey, I'll be out of the office this week, so call this guy if you have any important questions" voicemail.  Ok, no biggie. Army Guy calls other guy, other guy says "yah, ummm, I'm not really tracking anything of, I'd just wait until Tuesday/Wednesday when he gets back and call back, or you could send him an email--he's checking email". Right.....

So here we sit on Wednesday, with no response to emails or voicemails left at Branch, waiting to see if Army Guy will be home for 90 days before he leaves for school & then another deployment OR if we're going to have a "normal" rotation and move to a different job/post this summer and put renters in the house. And here I sit, not being able to do anything because well, what's the point of starting house stuff if I'm just going to put renters in it this summer.

I know that I'm not the only one in flux and I know that I'm not the first Army wife (nor the last) to live in his state of flux. I'm just tired of not knowing if I should be at Lowe's buying tomato plant seeds or if I should be PCS purging. 

So, I'm watching tv...

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