Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You know, Some Days I Don't Get Paid Enough....

So Sam-I-Am has decided to start waking up during the night and Mommy has not made this adjustment well. Factor in Thing 2's sudden cold that only bothers her at night and this is one cranky mommy. As I laid in bed at 3:30am after feeding Sam-I-Am, listening to Thing 2 play in her room like it was perfectly normal to be awake AND playing at 3am it occurred to me, I don't get paid enough. As Army Guy lay snoring next to me (he SWEARS he didn't sleep at all last night), I wished for just a moment that I too had a job outside of the home so at least then I wouldn't have any guilt when I would wake him up with a shove and a "it's YOUR turn" mumble. But then I remembered when I did have a job outside of the home and I was still the one who got up at 3am to take care of whichever small thing needed something. So then I wished for just a moment that I was a man, who for whatever reason, society says 'it's okay' for him not to get up every time something small fusses. Then I really thought about THAT and decided that nah I didn't really want to be a man. So then I decided I really want a night Nanny! :) Just someone to come in every other night to pick up the night shift...basically from 8pm-8am. That'd give me time to actually sleep AND shower AND put on makeup. I'm brilliant. So, I'm taking applications for that job.....any takers? Payment is in the form of fussy children, dirty diapers, loss of sanity, and "but I'm sleeping" responses to "GET UP OR YOU'LL MISS THE BUS".

I've also decided that FRG Leader should be a paid position. It doesn't have to pay very much and it could even pay in free childcare but seriously it should be a paid position. I love doing FRG because there's never a dull moment and I honestly enjoy helping my wives, but it seems like just about the time I sit down to tackle FRG Thing 2 and Sam-I-Am decide they need something and of course they take priority. So about the time I get them settled, Thing 1 is home from school and now he needs something. Okay, get him situated, FRG here I come. And just like that Army Guy is home to share his "I can't believe XYZ did XYZ" stories of the day. And then just like that it's bath time, bed time, laundry time, dishes time, and my bed time. And FRG goes yet another day without being tackled. Thank goodness I've got a good group of wives who are fairly self sufficient and haven't decided I'm stupid...well not that I'm aware of at least...I am eternally blessed with a another awesome FRG Co-Leader. She's AWESOME! She lets me be crazy and scatterbrained. It's great. Anywho, so I'm trying to figure out a way to approach Army with my "pay your flipping FRG leaders" plan. I mean, so what if Army doesn't have enough money to give my Army Guy ink for his printers-I'm 100% confident that they'll think my plan is as brilliant as I think because I'm not sleep deprived delusional at all.

1 comment:

Loretta Monroe said...

Hahahaha! Greta, you kill me!
Your FRG pay plan IS brilliant. Doubt Army will think so but, lets face it, Army isn't so smart sometimes. Love your posts!