Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm hiding--why not blog...

So Thing 1 currently has a friend over and they're causing all kinds of ruckus in the back of the house. Army Guy has gone into deep hiding in the bedroom with tv as loud as humanly possible. He's also determined that if he lays VERY still he's some how camo'd into the bed. I'm trying to figure out how he thinks that his blue/white shirt is any way camo'd into the greenish comforter, but hey, he's the one in the Army. :) Anyways, in an effort to sidetrack my brain from the utter destruction that may or may not be going on in the back I'm blogging. I'm brilliant.

I haven't blogged in a while for reasons I don't understand. I need to be sharing my stories more often. Thing 2 is giving me plenty of material these days. For example:

Army Guy to Thing 2 as he wraps gifts: I do know what I'm doing
Thing 2 to Army Guy: Are you sure because I'm not so sure.

Thing 2 and Army Guy have recently decided it's more fun to pick on each other then try to get along. It's GREAT (she says with so much sarcasm it's almost painful to say)! I'm trying to convince Army Guy that he's actually an adult, so he's SUPPOSED to not stoop to her level, but so far I'm completely unsuccessful. Completely.

At least Thing 1 is past this phase. Although, Thing 1 has recently resorted to the stomping/door stomping actions to demonstrate exactly how much he doesn't want to do chores, homework, or generally anything I recommend. Sigh. As goes my life. :) Thing 1 is still excelling in school and can I just say God Bless School and the 7 hours he's not under my feet.

As an example of our insanity, we'll be welcoming Baby #3 in June. Yah, I'm not completely sure what we were thinking. It was one of those "well let's try for a few months and if it works it works and if not that's cool too" and 1 month later it'd worked. Surprise!!!

Well the noise has subsided and I think I've worked up the courage to go peek down the hall. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Loretta Monroe said...

Greta - You seriously crack me up! I love how your children are "thing 1 and thing 2". Brilliant! I'll be following you blog simply because I need to know that I am NOT insane alone! :o)