Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Moving FINALLY Done!

Well, our move is finally complete in my opinion. The Cable & Internet gods blessed us with their presence today. :) Whoo-hoo!!! For those of you who don't know this was not completely the move from hell (which I define as having all of you personal belongings dumped into the ocean like an aquaintenance expierenced moving overseas), but it wasn't without drama. There was funny, sad, frustrating, death, sickness, new arrival, broken stuff, and typical military housing. :) But I survived it all due to the constant charge on my cell phone, so that I could call dear friends and vent about how horrid things were. Thanks guys!

Army Guy is all settled at school. He's one of the young (career wise) ones, but he's still kicking butt and taking names. He's able to come home between PT and having to go to school and he's done for the day around 4pm, so we're seeing a LOT more of him these days. Hopefully that will continue to go well. Ha!

Thing 1 is enrolled in 1st Grade!! More importantly, school starts August 5th. WHOO-HOO!!!! This summer has been rough on all of us, so I know he's looking forward to having "tons and tons of 1st Grade homework". Well, I guess looking forward to it wouldn't be the best description. Hahaha. There are tons of kids in our neighborhood, so I'm looking forward to Thing 1 getting out and about and meeting new people.
Thing 2 will start a preschool program here the end of July and OMG we are ALL looking forward to it. She's so busy....well busy is the nice way to say it. Christine and Lori are feeling my pain. I think there should be some kind of boot camp for 3-4year olds. I threatened to give her to a Drill Sargent today. He laughed...said I probably disciplined harder then they do these days...but that's another rant.

Schnitzel and Porter have grown to tolerate each other. Porter still thinks Schnitzel's tail is a chew toy and Schnitzel still thinks he will ALWAYS be bigger then Porter. Little does he know. Although, it's very obvious that Schnitzel will always have his Daschund speed over Porter Bulldog "I soooooo don't care"-ness. :)

I finally got out of my funk. Moving puts me in a funk. It's that whole anticipating every different option known to man. The funk moves in after everything chills out--kids & I inprocessed, boxes emptied, house liveable, but schedule still crazy. But I'm feeling better these days, so I have hope that the worst has passed...hahaha.

I will post pictures of the house over the next few days. We're still planning on only being here for about 6-9 months. Hopefully, we'll have a good idea in September where Army would like to send us next.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice job!!! You do realize that you will still have to endure my mass emails... I mean really! I am good at them. HA! Tell my other bubbies that their other Mommy will hopefully be visiting them soon. Miss ya! ;o)